Dopey Dicks photo gallery – photos from the classic Three Stooges short film, Dopey Dicks, with Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Fine, Christine McIntyre, Philip Van Zandt – mistaken by Christine for detectives, the Three Stooges run to the rescue when kidnapped by mad scientist Philip van Zandt — who wants to transplant a human brain into his robot!
Curly The Three Stooges T-Shirt Funny 3 Wise Guys Retro
Larry: “I’m sorry, Moe!”in the office, Moe’s revenge on LarryShemp playing detectivein the detective’s office – Shemp Howard, Christine McIntyre, Larry Fine, Moe HowardChristine McIntyre is in danger and needs a detective – but finds the Three Stooges instead!the Three Stooges (Shemp, Moe, Larry) arrive at the house and meet the butlermad scientist (Philip van Zandt) and equally mad butler look at the doctor’s head chopperMad scientist, robot, and butlermad scientist Philip van Zandt tries to get Moe to look into the basket …Philip Van Zandt in the closet with Moe … and a sharp knife!Moe’s hiding & scared, but he peeksLarry’s turn to look in Philip Van Zandt’s holePoor guy’s trying to move a head …Click! Turning on the lampRalph the butler can’t seem to find Larry the lampLarry’s revengeShemp finds Christine McIntyre all tied up …final getaway, with Moe, Larry and Christine McIntyre in the back seat, Shemp up front with the headless robot – who’s driving!