Mummy's Dummies (1948) starring the Three Stooges (Moe, Larry, Shemp), Vernon Dent, Philip Van Zandt Mummy's Dummies is set in ancient Egypt, with the Three Stooges (Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard) as dishonest used chariot dealers -- poking fun as dishonest used car salesmen with their tactics. They make…
Bedlam in Paradise (1955) starring the Three Stooges (Moe, Larry, Shemp), Philip van Zandt, Vernon Dent Bedlam in Paradise is a remake of Heavenly Daze. It's one of the few remakes that's superior to the original. The basic plot is the same: Shemp dreams that he's died. Moe and Larry unwittingly…
Musty Musketeers is a remake of the Three Stooges 1948 short film, Fiddlers Three, with a new beginning and ending. The middle segments, with the Stooges needing to shoe their mule, Sue, and rescuing the princess, are identical. The new material is funny enough to justify watching the short, unlike…