Photo gallery for Spook Louder (1943), a Three Stooges “haunted house” film
Curly The Three Stooges T-Shirt Funny 3 Wise Guys Retro
the Three Stooges as salesmen, trying to sell a weight loss machine to Symona BonifaceCurly, Larry and Moe about to knock on the door of the “haunted” house in the Three Stooges short film, Spook Louderthe Three Stooges are hired as caretakers by the Professor, who makes the mistake of giving a loaded gun to CurlyCurly and the boxing gloveone of the spies gives Moe Howard a handthe spies trying to sneak into the housethe Three Stooges (Larry, Curly, Moe) hold off the spies with a bomb