In I’ll Never Heil Again, the Three Stooges (Moe, Larry, Curly) mock the Nazis in this classic short film
I’ll Never Heil Again, starring the Three Stooges (Moe, Larry, Curly) – originally released July 4, 1941
I’ll Never Heil Again is a sequel to the Three Stooges‘ earlier parody of the Nazi party, You Nazty Spy, where Moe has overthrown the rightful monarch of Moronica, at the urging of three government officials and is now known as the dictator, Moe Hailstone. Moe does a wonderful imitation of Adolph Hitler, poking fun at the pretentious dictator. However, the three government officials (Mr. Amscray, Mr. Ixnay, played by Vernon Dent and Mr. Umpchay, played by Bud Jamison) realize their error and seek to replace the king on the throne. With the help of the king’s daughter (Mary Ainslee), who will infiltrate Moe Hailstone’s palace as a seeress, and plant an explosive pool ball on his pool table.

The entire short film is hilarious from start to finish, with dozens of bits small and large, such as:
- Curly’s “shuffling” a deck of cards
- Curly and Larry goose-stepping forwards and backwards
- Moe’s “German” barking of orders (actually Yiddish)
- Moe hitting Curly with shaving cream through over the telephone
- Curly reading “news” from the teletype, (all of which you can see in this clip from YouTube)
- Larry’s wonderful “southern” response to Moe’s rapid-fire orders
- Curly chasing pretty girls at every opportunity
- the fight over Turkey (and the lunch Turkey — I love the part where Larry says, “I’ll take Greece!” as he goes to sop up turkey grease with a biscuit)
- the wonderful interchange between the Stooges and the disguised Princess as the Seeress of Roebuck (sadly, I had to explain this to my children — it’s a play on words, as there used to be a large department store chain, Sears Robuck)
- Curly trying to smoke the water pipe given him by the Bay of Rum
- the wonderfully punny names on the map of Europe
- the fight between the Three Stooges and the Axel powers, including the Japanese ambassador stopping to take pictures in the middle of the fight, etc.

In short, it’s a very, very funny short film, and very biting sarcasm for the time – such as pointing out their bombing of hospitals, orphanages, cemeteries”and other important military targets.” Highly recommended, rated 5 clowns out of 5.
Funny movie quotes from I’ll Never Heil Again starring the Three Stooges (Moe, Larry, Curly)
Opening screen credit: The characters in this picture are all fictitious. Anyone resembling them is better off dead.
Prank caller: Have you got anything on?
Field Marshal Herring (Curly Howard): No, not at all.
Prank caller: You’ll catch cold.
Mr. Ixnay (Vernon Dent): If we aren’t on the level, may we be struck down on this spot.
[the King of Moronica splits a log and half of it goes up in the air and hits all three of them on the head]
Mr. Ixnay (Vernon Dent): What’s the matter, can’t you take a joke?
Minister of Propaganda (Larry Fine): As Minister of Propaganda, I wish to report that the people …
Hailstone the Dictator (Moe Howard): I am not interested in the people! [hits Larry with shaving brush & shaving cream]
Minister of Propaganda (Larry Fine): [Larry tastes the cream] Good! [reaches for more]
Hailstone the Dictator (Moe Howard): I want to know about my armies! Have we taken the dikes of Holland?
Field Marshal Herring (Curly Howard): Certainly! And the Van Dykes of Amsterdam! And the Updikes of Rotterdam, and the hunchback of Notre Dam!
Field Marshal Herring (Curly Howard): Hail!
Hailstone the Dictator (Moe Howard): Hail!
Field Marshal Herring (Curly Howard): Hail!
Hailstone the Dictator (Moe Howard): Hail!
Minister of Propaganda (Larry Fine): Heil!
Hailstone the Dictator (Moe Howard): [pause] The hail you say!
Minister of Propaganda (Larry Fine): Oh, hail I say …
Princess Gilda: I am your new soothsayer, the seeress of Roebuck.
Minister of Propaganda (Larry Fine): Your father must be Roebuck.
Princess Gilda: No, for I was raised by Montgomery.
Field Marshal Herring (Curly Howard): Oh, you;re Montgomery’s ward!
Field Marshal Herring (Curly Howard): You used too much english.
Hailstone the Dictator (Moe Howard): Never speak that word in this house!
After the fight
Hailstone the Dictator (Moe Howard): [after knocking out all the Axis Partners]
[Field Marshall Herring holding a globe] I have vanquished them, I am the winner, the world belongs to me. Give it to me.
Field Marshal Herring (Curly Howard): No, it’s mine!
Hailstone the Dictator (Moe Howard): Give me that world, Herring. Or I’ll marinate you. Let me have it!
[Herring smashes it to pieces on Hailstone’s head]
Hailstone the Dictator (Moe Howard): My world … You nitwit, you shattered my world!
[Hailstone and Minister of Propaganda chase Herring around the table Hailstone throws a gavel at Herring and misses]
Field Marshal Herring (Curly Howard): Don’t do that!
[Hailstone throws the explosive 13 ball that Princess Gilda put on the pool table, Herring catches it, walks up to Hailstone]
Field Marshal Herring (Curly Howard): Listen, you! I’ve taken enough of you. This is the last straw!
[Throws the ball on the floor, all three are obscured by a massive explosion]
Trivia about I’ll Never Heil Again, starring the Three Stooges (Moe, Larry, Curly)
- Four of the five “Axel” leaders pictured were official or semi-official Axis members in real life: Germany, Japan and Italy (all of whom had signed the Pact of Steel between 1936 and 1940) and the USSR (represented by the Russian-looking character, who at the time shared a non-aggression pact with Germany). Bay of Rum was supposed to be from Rumania (Rum-Rumania). Rumania was an Axis partner from 1940 – 1944.
- During filming for this Short, Moe was running late for his daughter’s birthday, so he was rushed home in full costume, much to the surprise of his neighbors. He went through his daughter’s entire birthday dressed like Hitler, stopping traffic and ending up with numerous calls to the police about it.
Cast of characters
- Curly Howard (Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise) … Curly Gallstone
- Larry Fine (Punch Drunks) … Larry Pebble
- Moe Howard (If a Body Meets a Body) … Moe Heilstone (as Moe)
Additional cast
- Mary Ainslee (Hokus Pokus) … Princess Gilda (uncredited)
- Nick Arno (Busy Buddies) … Japanese Delegate (uncredited)
- Don Barclay (Mary Poppins ) … Russian Delegate (uncredited)
- Lynton Brent (Cookoo Cavaliers) … Mr. Amscray (uncredited)
- Don Brodie (The Ghost Talks) … King Herman (uncredited)
- Bobby Burns (Healthy, Wealthy and Dumb) … King’s Aide (uncredited)
- Early Cantrell … Heilstone’s Maid (uncredited)
- Vernon Dent (Sing a Song of Six Pants) … Mr. Ixnay (uncredited)
- Ned Glass (Three Hams on Rye) … King’s Bugler in Opening (uncredited)
- Bud Jamison (Movie Maniacs) … Mr. Umpchay (uncredited)
- Johnny Kascier (Hokus Pokus) … Napoleon in Picture Frame (uncredited)
- Jack ‘Tiny’ Lipson (Slippery Silks) … Bay of Rum (uncredited)
- Cy Schindell (I’m a Monkey’s Uncle) … Chizzilini (uncredited)
- Al Thompson (Back from the Front) … Heilstone’s Servant (uncredited)
- Bert Young (Malice in the Palace) … Guard (uncredited)
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