Three Stooges short film Blunder Boys (1955) starring Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard
Synopsis of Blunder Boys
In a parody of then then-popular Dragnet series, Moe, Larry and Shemp play the role of inept detectives, who after serving in the war go to college where they are inept students studying criminology, and after graduating (with the lowest possible honors) they try to earn their positions on the police force by capturing “The Eel” – but he’s too slippery!
Review of Blunder Boys
I remember watching this short film as a youngster – I fondly remember the running gag of the Three Stooges, imitating the Dragnet-style introducing each segment “I’m Halliday.” “I’m Terriday.” and Shemp ending with “I’m New Years Day!” (a different holiday each time). It was a funny running joke; unfortunately, it’s the funniest part of the short film. That’s not to say that there aren’t any other funny bits; there are such as Larry unexpectedly saving the day during the war sequence while dazed (trying to bite a grenade, thinking it’s an apple), or when the threesome pay their twenty-five dollar registration fee (Larry pulls up his pants leg and takes the money out of his silk stocking, Shemp gets his from his money belt, and Moe pulls money out of a mouse trap that he keeps at the end of his money chain).

Unfortunately, the pace of the short is too slow, with several segments taking far too long, such as when the Three Stooges unintentionally handcuff themselves together during their college days, or their final confrontation with “the Eel” when they need to find their way out of a woman’s Turkish bath.
In the final analysis, Blunder Boys isn’t the best Three Stooges short film, but it’s not their worst, either. I rate it 3 clowns out of 5. Blunder Boys is available on DVD as part of The Three Stooges Collection volume 8.
Funny movie quotes from Blunder Boys
Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): I’m Halliday.
Larry Terriday (Larry Fine): I’m Terriday.
Shemp (Shemp Howard): I’m St. Patricks Day!
Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): When we first started out, I never figured we’d be three fingers on the arm of the law. I’m the first finger.
Larry Terriday (Larry Fine): I’m the second finger.
Shemp (Shemp Howard): I’m the hangnail.
Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): We were fighting a rearguard action; the only action we knew how to fight.
Shemp (Shemp Howard): A jerk with a quirk may do the work; or, a turk with a dirk may stick a clerk.
Shemp (Shemp Howard): Now I’ll have to eat standing up!

Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): Well, we finished our courses in criminology.
Larry Terriday (Larry Fine): And we graduated.
Shemp (Shemp Howard): With the lowest possible honors!
Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): Now we were ready for our first case.
Larry Terriday (Larry Fine): Make mine gin!
Shemp (Shemp Howard): Make mine champagne!
[Moe hits them both]
Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): Hey, imbecile!
Shemp (Shemp Howard): Oh, that’s me.
Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): Hey, somebody’s rattling dice!
Shemp (Shemp Howard): That’s my knees.
Holiday jokes
Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): I’m Halliday.
Larry Terriday (Larry Fine): I’m Terriday.
Shemp (Shemp Howard): I’m Groundhog Day!
Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): I’m Halliday.
Larry Terriday (Larry Fine): I’m Terriday.
Shemp (Shemp Howard): I’m New Years Day!
Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): I’m Halliday.
Larry Terriday (Larry Fine): I’m Terriday.
Shemp (Shemp Howard): I’m Christmas Day! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle …[holding Christmas stocking and small tree, Larry hits him with it] I’ll tell Santie Claus on you!
Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): I’m Halliday.
Larry Terriday (Larry Fine): I’m Terriday.
Shemp (Shemp Howard): I’m Independence Day!
[holding shovels and pick]
Moe Halliday (Moe Howard): I’m Halliday.
Larry Terriday (Larry Fine): I’m Terriday.
Shemp (Shemp Howard): I’m Labor Day.
Larry Terriday (Larry Fine): And with us, now every day is labor day.
Trivia for Blunder Boys
- This is the one Stooges’ short where Kenneth MacDonald plays a good guy (a police chief).
- The last short of The Three Stooges to be released in Shemp Howard’s lifetime. He died on 22 November 1955, 19 days after this film’s release.
Cast of characters
- Shemp Howard … Days
- Larry Fine … Tarraday
- Moe Howard … Halliday
- Benny Rubin (Income Tax Sappy, The Red Skelton Show) … The Eel
- Angela Stevens (He Cooked His Goose) … Alma Matter
- Kenneth MacDonald (Vagabond Loafers) … Capt. F.B. Eye
Additional Cast
- Barbara Bartay (Pardon My Backfire) … Beautician (uncredited)
- Barbara Donaldson (South Pacific) … Turkish Bath Tanner (uncredited)
- Bonnie Henjum (Flagpole Jitters) … Turkish Bather in Swimsuit (uncredited)
- Marjorie Jackson (Beauty on Parade) … Turkish Bath Brunette (uncredited)
- June Lebow … Turkish Bath Blonde (uncredited)
- Emil Sitka (Three Hams on Rye) … (uncredited)
- Frank Sully (Guns a Poppin!) … Watts D. Matter (uncredited)
- Al Thompson (Dizzy Pilots) … Hotel Clerk (uncredited)