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Corny Casanovas

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Corny Casanovas (1952) starring the Three Stooges - Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard with Connie Cezan
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In Corny Casanovas, the Three Stooges (Moe, Larry and Shemp) are all engaged to the same blond girl (Connie Cezon) – and the slapstick begins!

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Corny Casanovas (1952) starring the Three Stooges – Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard with Connie Cezon

In Corny Casanovas, the Three Stooges (Moe, Larry, and Shemp) are trying to clean up their apartment in their traditional destructive, slapstick style.  Some of the best parts of the short are here. Such as the “invention” of firing tacks from a gun in order to reupholster a couch. Only for Moe to take it in the end, Then Shemp and Larry unintentionally cutting Moe’s jacket, etc.   Each of the Stooges is proposing marriage. The second half of the short takes place in the girl’s apartment.  Since unknown to each other, the Three Stooges are all proposing to the same girl!

Moe and Shemp shaving in Corny Casanovas

Connie Cezon plays the blonde gold digger. She has each of the Stooges appear a few minutes apart, and after taking their diamond ring, has each hide in a different room — “I made you a cake!”. And soon enough Moe, Larry and Shemp run into each other, and begin a three-way fight. With Larry actually getting the best of Moe and Shemp letting the other two beat each other senseless. But Connie knocks him out! She leaves the three unconscious Stooges on the floor of her apartment as she walks out.

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Connie Cezan in the Three Stooges short film, Corny Casanovas
Connie Cezan with her "fiancee" on the couch in Corny Casanovas

Corny Casanovas is a decent Three Stooges short film, neither great nor horrible. It is available on DVD as part of The Three Stooges Collection, Vol. 7: 1952-1954

Funny movie quotes from Corny Casanovas starring the Three Stooges

Corny Casanovas, starring the Three Stooges (Moe, Larry, Shemp)

Shemp: Gee, Moe, I’m sorry Moe, what mo’ can a fellow say? That’s all there is, there ain’t no mo’!

Shemp: Once the davenport is recovered, the place will be more presentable to the new bribes.
Moe: You mean brides.
Shemp: Anybody who’d marry you two would have to be bribed.

Moe: You’re getting to be a smart little imbecile.
Larry: Thank you!

Moe: (after being shot in the rear with dozens of tacks) I’m losing my mind!

Moe: (as Larry and Shemp pull the tacks out of his rear) You’re pulling my heart out!

Larry: (after Moe has swallowed a tack) They won’t come out!
Shemp: The tacks went in – they must be in-come tacks!


Trivia about Corny Casanovas starring the Three Stooges – Moe, Larry, Shemp

[Updated November 2, 2024]

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